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Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck

Jan 21, 2020

As the CEO of JG Entertainment, Jonathan George has spent the past two decades coaching, branding, and launching some of the biggest young ROCKSTARS in the entertainment industry, as well as creating Rockstar brands for top influencers and entrepreneurs. During those years, he has witnessed the lack of self-confidence to be the greatest defeater of people walking in their greatness.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a C-level executive or a solopreneur, you must have unshakeable confidence to rock the world with influence, impact, and success. But fear is the #1 thing holding you back -- the fear of not knowing your true talents or how to use those gifts, not knowing how to stand out in the world authentically, and the fear of not being good enough. This cripples you from being the successful leader and entrepreneur you desire to be.

Jonathan’s deep passion to help people step into their greatness comes from his own dark struggles of self-discovery. At age 26, he was named the Grand Champion Winner on Ed McMahon’s “Next Big Star.” His dreams were coming true as a brand-new record deal slid across the table... and then they discovered he was gay. He was left with no deal, no direction, and his dreams shattered.

Despite his team’s efforts to change him into who everyone else thought he should be, all Jonathan heard was: “You’re. Not. Good. Enough.” He had already endured a lifetime of bullying for not being a “sports” kid, and as the son of a preacher, he was told that he could never fulfill his life’s purpose. He didn’t know who he was or how to show up in the world. He truly felt he wasn’t good enough. That’s when he vowed to become the kind of coach he so badly needed in his own life: not someone who wanted to CHANGE him, but someone to help him ROCK the person he already was.

His success in creating superstars comes from his core belief:

“There is a RockStar already in you. It just needs the tools and permission to be unleashed.”

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