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Growth Now Movement with Justin Schenck

Feb 23, 2021

Jeff Lopes is a proud father of two, a husband, and a entrepreneur for the past 25 years. Jeff has founded numerous companies from inception to 7 & 8 figure Corporations. Included in these is TrueBlue Homes, a portfolio of vacation rentals properties across the Northern parts of Ontario, Canada and Kimurawear a boxing /...

Feb 16, 2021

As the Co-Founder of Ready To Propel and Propel Brand Management, Warren Carlyle is a professional community building strategist who works with purpose-driven brands & influencers to build highly engaged online communities. He is also founder/CEO of OctoNation®- The Largest Octopus Fan Club, a nonprofit...

Feb 9, 2021

Roberto C. Candelaria is the Founder of Sponsorship Boot Camp and the International Best-Selling author of “Relationships Raise Money: A Guide to Corporate Sponsorship” and “Sponsorship For Influencers: Profitable Partnerships in 5 Simple Steps”

He’s also the creator of The Sponsorship Roadmap,...

Feb 2, 2021

Samantha Joy is an Identity Coach to aspiring entrepreneurs and influencers, as well as the #1 bestselling author of "The Less Effect: Design Your Life for Happiness and Purpose”.

She is also the founder of The Less Effect Method, her coaching approach that allows others to shift their identity to their most authentic...